If I said: "You can't train leadership. Such a thing is impossible," would you agree with me? When you consider that leadership is the ability to inspire others to work towards achieving a shared goal, then by that logic, to train people in leadership means you must be able to train people to be 'inspirational'.
Imagine that! A training course that claims that it will train you to be 'inspirational'. There's no such thing... and that's why leadership training does not exist.
A more appropriate question might be: "How many leaders does an organisation need?" Isn't it better spending more time on training good followers?
Followership is arguably more important than leadership. Any group or team has more followers than it has leaders, so more emphasis should be placed on training people to be better followers.
The No Stopping For Teams ® technique has been developed and trade marked by IPAS as a proprietary program that aims to accomplish the following:
1. Encouraging team members to be experts and to kNOw their jobs and know enough about the jobs of other team members to be an asset to the organisation
2. Teaching team members about the three categories of STress and how to spot stress in oneself and in other team members and then be able to do something about it.
3. Instructing team members about the importance of OPtions for each other and for the organisation when solving problems.
4. Learning the importance of ProtectING the organisation, the team and oneself from the uncertainties of the future and from the threats within and outside the organisation.
5. FORecasting what is likely to happen based on perceiving the environment and comprehending what it means and then applying that knowledge to the organisation's goals and one's place in the organisation
6. Understanding that TEAMS are dynamic organisms that thrive and grow if fed the right combination of inputs and by removing anything that limits that growth.
The No Stopping For Teams ® technique builds great followers and reduces workplace interpersonal problems while increasing efficiency. But the best thing about the No Stopping For Teams ® technique is that it makes better followers who then grow to become great leaders within the team... and after all, isn't that what you want?
When a problem arises...
Time to enact your plan...
No Stopping for well drilled teams!
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